Administrative Acomplishments

Major Administrative Accomplishments:                                                                                      


·        Led the work in the development in OLC’s Education Department and Graduate Studies Conceptual Framework. Since 2005, the Conceptual Framework has remained current.

·        Wrote the preconditions for NCATE Accreditation.  Upon review placed OLC’s Teacher and School Administration Programs in Precondition Status.  OLC would have been the first tribal college accepted for NCATE Accreditation. In 2007, after review the preconditions had met NCATE approval and was placed in conditional status.  In 2009, the South Dakota Department of Education adopted the NCATE conditions for the evaluation of teacher preparation programs.  The written preconditions placed OLC in the forefront of state teacher preparation programs.

·        Led OLC’s Education Department in securing funding for Reading First Teacher Education Network (RFTEN) which establish reservation schools professional development for teachers and culminated in a reservation-wide reading conference for children and parents. Over 450 educators took part in the conference which was held at the Ramkota Hotel.

·        Led the development of the creation of the Education Department Handbook.  The Education Department Faculty and Staff work diligently and cooperatively in the development of a department handbook.  The Education Department had no handbook previously.  The handbook was presented for approval to the Instructional Affairs Committee and has won their approval.

·        Created the first electronic portfolio for OLC’s Education Department and Graduate Studies students. The prescribe student work samples were based on the ELCC Standards and INTASC Standards. 

·       Work with Little Wound School with their strategic plan as related to professional development.  Currently, I continue to consult with LWS in the areas of Gifted and Talented Education. 

·       Secured OLC funding from the BIE for the Center of School Improvement to place school paraprofessionals with a terminal degree (AA, BS) meeting the NCLB requirement. Meeting the requirements of NCLB, where paraprofessionals needed to earn an AA Degree or obtain 60 college credit hours to maintain their employment status.  The funding also allowed to grow your own teachers, where financial assistance were provided employees to earn a terminal degree in teacher education.

·       Worked with the Rapid City School District to assist in the development of Native American teachers within their school system.

·       Presented and approved by the State of South Dakota for OLC to offer a BS Degree in Secondary Physical Science.

·         Have written the rejoinder for OLC for the South Dakota Department of Education.

·       Chaired two South Dakota Department of Education Teacher Preparation Reviews for OLC which passed mainly with strength.

·       Secured money for OLC from TIE to assist teacher candidates in the preparation of the Praxis’s exams.

·       Have administered 2 professional development grants for OLC from the US Department of Education Office of Indian Education.

·        Led in the development of a South Dakota Reading Conference for OLC which had over 450 participants.

·       Have reviewed OLC’s Graduate Studies units as a consultant who assisted them in passing the South Dakota Department of Education Review.  

·       Acting Chaired OLC’s Graduate Studies Department 8/1/2014-5/10/2014

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