__________________________Art W. Fisher_______________________
407 BIA 17, Kyle, SD 57752
Cell No. (605) 441-2113 Office Phone No:
Personal Data:
Married with four children
DOB 12/26/1958
Oglala Sioux Tribal Enrollment: U26666
· 1970-1978: High School Diploma
Huron Sr. High School
Huron, SD
1984-1988: BS Elementary Education
Oglala Lakota College
PO Box 490 Kyle, S.D. 57752
(605) 455-6000
1991-1992: M.A. Ed./Gifted & Talented (Emphasis Native American Studies)
Oklahoma City University
2501 North Blackwelder, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
(405) 521-5371
2012: Current - Ed. D Curriculum & Instruction
University of South Dakota
414 East Clark Street, Vermillion, S.D. 57069-2390
(877) 269-6837
5/14/2020 - Currently: Sinte Gleska University, Distance Education Coordinator
Supervisor: Cheryl Medearis, Education Department Chair/VP of Academic Affairs
Sinte Gleska University P.O. Box 105 Mission, South Dakota 57555-015
8/8/2017 - 5/14/2020: Sinte Gleska University Education Department Faculty
Supervisor: Cheryl Medearis, Education Department Chair/VP Academic Affairs
Sinte Gleska University P.O. Box 105 Mission, South Dakota 57555-015
5/13/2014: - Graduate Studies Department Faculty, Oglala Lakota College
Supervisor (Advertised - Dr. Dawn Frank, V.P. Instruction
Oglala Lakota College P.O. Box 490 Kyle, S.D. 57752, (605) 455-6000
1/3/14 – 5/12/2014: Acting Chair Graduate Studies, Oglala Lakota College
Supervisor: Dr. Dawn Frank, V.P. of Instruction
PO Box 490, Kyle, S.D. 57752, (605) 455-6000
1/3/12-1/2/14: Graduate Studies Faculty, Oglala Lakota College
Supervisor: Dr. Dawn Frank, Graduate Studies Chair
P.O. Box 490, Kyle, S.D. 57752, (605) 455-6000
8/1/09-1/2/12: Education Department Faculty, Oglala Lakota College
Supervisor: Thomas Raymond, Dean of Education
P.O. Box 490, Kyle, S.D. 57752, (605) 455-6000
8/1/13-1997: Oglala Lakota College, Dean of Education
Supervisor: Dr. Jerry Giraud, V.P. of Instruction
PO Box 490, Kyle, S.D. 57752, (605) 455-6000
8/5/98-5/12/1991: Upper Elementary Teacher, Wall School District
Supervisor: Dr. Becky Hall
Wall School District, Wall S.D.
8/3/1991: Red Cloud Indian School, Director of Gifted and Talented Education
Supervisor: Fr. David Matsko, Superintendent
Red Cloud Indian School, Pine Ridge, SD
Teaching Philosophy:
Students come to us with the influences of their past, the present, and their futures. Their way of life, their beliefs, actions, and emotions are welcomed and encouraged to be part of the learning outcomes and classroom interaction. By arranging directed outcomes for the learner and encouraging their involvement in the learning process influences their reasoning, judgment, and communication skills. Under these circumstances, the act of learning takes place and thus leads to the expansion of personal knowledge.
Leadership Style:
As a leader, I feel I able to express myself fully. I do believe that I can communicate what I want to others effectively and typically express reasons why something needs to be done. I feel this is important to gain the support of others. I am a visionary leader having insight on how to develop administrative goals and to develop effective objectives that are measurable.
When approaching a task, I generally have physical vitality and stamina. With this, I display an eagerness to accept responsibility. For the reservation people and within the field of education I possess deep understanding, I feel I have earned the respect of people within the Pine Ridge Reservation, the Rosebud Reservation, and within the state of South Dakota within the field of education. Because of my tribal connections, I have an immense desire for achievement, but not solely for me but for the Lakota people. Because of this personal connection, I feel I have some effective working skills in dealing with people. I would like to say that I feel a sense of trustworthiness with those that I do come in contact with.
I can display courage and resilience when there are things that I truly believe in. I can be very decisive and assertive when I feel I need to be, yet also adaptable and flexible. I feel at times I give a great deal of direction and by giving considerable attention to defining roles and goals. I sometimes laugh at self since I find myself in situations where I feel I am selling a product. I feel I need to encourage people to “buy into” the task. I also find myself acting as a coach, encouraging others to complete a task. I feel a coaching type approach can encourage active participation. I like to encourage others to share in the decision-making within an organization and do feel I can facilitate and communicate effectively.
Major Administrative Accomplishments:
Led the work in the development of OLC’s Education Department and Graduate Studies Conceptual Framework.
Wrote the preconditions for NCATE Accreditation. Upon review placed OLC’s Teacher and School Administration Programs in Precondition Status. OLC would have been the first tribal college accepted for NCATE Accreditation.
Led OLC’s Education Department in securing funding for Reading First Teacher Education Network (RFTEN) which establish reservation schools' professional development for teachers and culminated in a reservation-wide reading conference for children and parents.
Led the development of the creation of the Education Department Handbook. The Education Department Faculty and Staff work diligently and cooperatively in the development of a department handbook. The Education Department had no handbook previously. The handbook was presented for approval to the Instructional Affairs Committee and has won their approval.
Created the first electronic portfolio for OLC’s Education Department and Graduate Studies.
Work with Little Wound School with their strategic plan as related to professional development. Currently, the faculty from the Education Department is assisting LWS in the areas of Gifted and Talented Education and Special Education.
Secured OLC funding from the BIE for the Center of School Improvement to place school paraprofessionals with a terminal degree (AA, BS) meeting the NCLB requirement.
Worked with the Rapid City School District to assist in the development of Native American teachers within their school system.
Presented and approved by the State of South Dakota for OLC to offer a BS Degree in Secondary Physical Science.
Have written the rejoinder for OLC for the South Dakota Department of Education.
Chaired two South Dakota Department of Education Teacher Preparation Reviews for OLC which passed mainly with strength.
Secured money for OLC from TIE to assist teacher candidates in the preparation of the Praxis exams.
Have administered 2 professional development grants for OLC from the US Department of Education Office of Indian Education.
Led in the development of a South Dakota Reading Conference for OLC which had over 450 participants.
Have reviewed OLC’s Graduate Studies units as a consultant who assisted them in passing the South Dakota Department of Education Review.
1995 Oklahoma University Integrated Curriculum
2003 Lakota Nation Invitational: Teacher Leadership
2003 NIEA Albuquerque New Mexico Teacher Leadership
2003 Lakota Nation Invitational: High Stakes Testing
2004 Lakota Nation Invitational: Performance-Based Assessment
2004 Lakota Integration Workshop: Constructed Response, What is It?
2004 Lakota Integration Workshop: Writing Instructional Rubrics
2004 Lakota Integration Workshop: Effective Teaching Strategies
2005 Lakota Nation Invitational: Interactive Portfolios
2005 Lakota Nation Invitational: Effective Lesson Plan Design2007
RFTEN Conference, Bismarck N.D. Reading First Teacher Ed. Network
2007 RFTEN Conference Washington D.C. Oglala Lakota College & RFTEN
2008 BIE Presentation: Center of School Improvement
School In-Service Consultant for Professional Development:
· 1992 Journal of American Indian Scholarly Reviewer/Gifted and Talented Ed
· 1994 Wounded Knee District School Gifted and Talented Program Review
· 2004 Little Wound School: Curriculum Mapping - 2 days
· 2007 Little Wound School: Differentiated Instruction – 3 days
· 2007 Porcupine School Gifted and Talented Program Review
· 2007 Little Wound School Gifted and Talented Program Review
· 2009 Pine Ridge Elementary and Middle Effective Educational Practices for All-4 days
· 2012 Pine Ridge Elementary: Respond to Intervention - 4 days
Stephanie Charging Eagle Cheyenne River Ed. Dept. Red Scaffold SD 606-200-2895
John Haas Education Consultant Kyle, SD 605-455-2780
Dr. Terri Bissonette McREL Consultant Denver, CO 605-209-0571
Dr. Dan Koopman Director Mt. Community College Pendleton, Oregon. 541-429-0532
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